Search Engine Optimisation

A Data Driven Approach to Website Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation is where the data really makes an impact. Using data to drive your optimisation efforts can be a powerful tool for making sure that you are getting the best return on your optimisation investment.

Analytics is a key part of any website optimisation strategy because it gives you an objective insight into how your visitors are interacting with your website and who your competitors are for the coveted front page of Google.

Read more about our Semantic SEO Strategy for 2022.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the art of removing all the technical barriers to ranking. This includes factors like site speed, use of SSL, site structure, appropriate and functioning links, redirects, schemas and page structure. Unless this phase of the optimisation is carried out, the subsequent phases are compromised.

On-Page SEO

This is the stuff that most people think is SEO. Keyword research, content optimisation, use of alt tags in images etc. Keywords are vitally important and we use data to determine which keywords to target. To be effective they need to be relevant and realistically achievable by which we mean if your competitor is a company with much greater authority, you’ll struggle to rank with the same keywords.

Off-Page SEO

Search Engines are influenced by the amount of traffic flowing to your website. We use social media to drive numbers via links to our content, projects and activity. A good backlink strategy is required to build links from credible sites. Great content will generate quality backlinks in time, but a proactive outreach strategy for building links is a useful way of accelerating the process.

To be seen, you have to be found..


Authority (of a site) is one of the factors contributing to rankings in search. The more content you are able to rank, the higher your authority score.

Incoming links add to your authority score – the more credible sites that link to you the higher your authority is deemed to be. Never be tempted to buy links, you will be sold poor quality backlinks that may eventually harm your credibility.

A buzzword is not the same as a keyword. Look at it from the perspective of a user typing a search term into Goole. Buzzwords come and go and they may be relevant as keywords for as long as they remain popular. This is why we review our keyword strategy for websites periodically.

Let’s put it another way. If your content is no better than the websites you are competing with for ranking, you will fail. Search Engine Optimisation can be seen as removing the obstacles to ranking, the rest is down to the content.

One of the ranking factors used by Google is User Experience. This includes the layout and readability of your site, navigation, linking, relevance of content and quality of content.

Understanding Search Intent is key to producing relevant content that will be useful to your visitors. Generally visitors are either browsing, actively researching or buying. If you want to buy a new car, you will probably start by browsing, move onto compiling a shortlist and researching them and finally identify a dealership in your area that you might buy it from.

By creating content that speaks to your visitor’s interests and questions, you are creating content that is useful to them. Not only is this good practice, but Google favours it.



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