
Knowledge Base, News and Views

  • Rank Math SEO Course Review
    The Review and the Reviewer Rank Math make what we at Helter Skelter Digital consider to be the best SEO plugin for WordPress. They have been very active in supporting the plugin and answering wider questions about SEO….
  • Setting up a Website with Amazon S3 and CloudFront
    Setting up a website with Amazon S3 and CloudFront is not for everyone, we came to this with a specific requirement to host very large media in the form of panoramic photographs split into thousands of “tiles” for…
  • How to Use Social Media to Promote your Business
    “How to use Social Media to Promote your Business” is a very different question to “how to have fun on twitter?” , “how to make friends on Facebook?” or “how to get 10,000 followers on Instagram?” In this…
  • A Holistic SEO Strategy
    What is a holistic SEO strategy and how does it differ from traditional SEO? In this article we will look at all of the components of a successful SEO strategy and discuss an holistic SEO approach that ties…
  • SEO Tips for YouTube
    It’s no surprise that there’s a growing interest in SEO tips for YouTube, in fact it’s a topic that comes up regularly with our content marketing clients. Here’s the reason why. YouTube now ranks as the second-largest search…
  • A Semantic SEO Strategy for 2022
    From Strings to Things – a new SEO for 2022 This post explains why the focus of SEO efforts in 2021 should be on Semantic SEO. Content based optimisation to supplement the keyword based optimisations we’ve been used…
  • 5 Benefits of Email Marketing
    In our post “The Death of the Cookie” we recommend building relationships with your customers as a means of replacing the re-marketing techniques based on tracking cookies with a more direct, personalised relationship that is genuinely two way….
  • How Fast is Divi Theme?
    On August 18th Elegant themes announced an overhaul of the Divi Theme with the focus on speed. So how fast is Divi Theme in the wild? Divi Theme in the Wild We are managing a number of sites…
  • Best SEO Techniques for Small Businesses
    In this article we discuss a few ways that you can optimise your website by using the best SEO techniques for small businesses. The aim is to better your chances of having content listed in search results. What…
  • The Death of the Cookie
    Google announce the death of the cookie. What does it mean? How will it affect you? What is the best way forward? We can only make informed guesses about the future, but what we do know is that…
  • How to Choose the Best Web Hosting
    Does your website load painfully slowly? How often does your website go down? You may not be with the best web hosting provider. If you’re a blogger, these things means lost traffic and potential customers. If you’re an…
  • How to do Effective, Data Driven Marketing for Business
    If you’re looking to grow your business, then it’s important to have a digital marketing strategy. With our suite of tools, reports and dashboards we can make your marketing more straightforward, flexible, fact based and measurable. We’ll discuss…
  • How to Choose the Best Web Design Agency
    Web design post pandemic is a different beast to even twelve months ago. In this article we’re going to discuss what’s changed and how to choose the best web design agency for your new site in 2021. How…
  • How to Improve Core Web Vitals for WordPress
    In this post we talk about how to improve Core Web Vitals for WordPress – what Google’s Core Web Vitals metric means, where to find your own site performance and recommend a stack of performance enhancing software that…
  • Google Ads Strategy for Small Business
    Our Google Ads strategy for small business was conceived in 2020 based on campaigns we ran for clients with less than 20 employees. None of them were e-commerce sites, all of them offered services and their intent initially…
  • Using AWS to Store Large Media
    Using AWS to store large media is  a sensible decision if you are paying for web space by the megabyte. Let’s take a step back and compare various types of cloud storage and take a look at the…
  • What is Technical SEO?
    In this post we discuss the three main categories of SEO and focus on the question “What is Technical SEO”? SEO can be divided into multiple activities: Technical SEO On Page SEO Off Page SEO Your content strategy…
  • How does PPC perform against SEO?
    In this article we discuss how PPC performs against SEO and Social Media. We explain what you can expect from each type of marketing over time. You will learn how to get the most value for your money….
  • Why is SSL important?
    What is SSL? SSL is the technology that encrypts messages between web browsers and web sites. Those messages include passwords and user names as well as credit card data and information collected through contact forms. TLS or Transport…
  • How to Migrate a WordPress Site
    In this post we are going to demonstrate how to migrate a wordpress site from one host to another. Without tears, rage or self harm! The first thing you will need is time. This is not a job…

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