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Web Hosting

Speed Matters

Speed is rapidly becoming a differentiator for successful websites. Google introduced Core Web Vitals in May 2021, assigning ranking signals to page speed. Fast Web Hosting is here to stay.

A single second delay in page loading time causes a 7% drop in conversions. For an E-Commerce site that is the difference between profit and loss. A whopping 37% of visitors bail out if a page hasn’t loaded within 5 seconds.

Mobile is the fastest growing technology used for internet browsing. Because so much of the mobile experience depends on telecommunications technology rather than broadband, it imposes a speed penalty from the off – 4G is as good as it gets in the UK today. 3G is almost unusable.

Mobile is the baseline for our testing and our web hosting is fast enough to compensate for the inbuilt lag in mobile networks. We can deliver web pages on mobile within the 1-2 second timeframe deemed acceptable by Google.

Fast Web Hosting..


Yes you can. We offer cPanel hosting that gives you access to everything except the hardware. File system, Staging, Backups, Cloning etc. You are responsible for your entire website.

Yes we can. We also offer a support package that includes one hour of site maintenance a month. This covers upgrades to WordPress, Plugins etc. Staging, Backups, Security etc.

We contract for 12 months and the contract rolls over at the end of that period unless you cancel it.

Our hosting is primarily aimed at helping our clients meet their aspirations at a reasonable price. We cost it as cheaply as we can, spreading the cost over 12 months. We call this the “Real Cost”. Other hosting companies offer generous discounts that are more than made up for by the charges that are levied after the discount runs out and in surcharges applied to services such as Domain registration.

Yes. We resell domains on behalf of a larger registrar. If you buy through us, there is no time lag. Once paid for, your domain is yours to do what you like with, immediately.

Yes. We provide Let’s Encrypt domain specific certificates free of charge that are renewed automatically.

We are a small company focused on excellent customer service and lightning fast web sites. Our hardware partners have a similar focus. This means that you are guaranteed the same or better levels of performance than many of the larger hosting companies with the same guarantees of uptime and better support.

We offer a Shared Hosting plan, a Premium Hosting plan and VPS plans. Our shared hosting guarantees certain levels of processor and memory availability for your website. Every website is different and we will help you make the right choice depending on your current and future requirements.

We provide every site with a reliable security plugin. Additionally our hosting environment is equipped with state-of-the-art Malware detection and Anti-Hacking software that prevents miscreants from getting access to the site via nefarious means.

We use data centres in London, the United States and Germany. It is best practice to locate your website close to your audience. There is no additional cost, you can choose a datacenter.

Litespeed. We have some sites using Nginx but on balance we find that the combination of Litespeed and the Litespeed Caching plugin for WordPress handles more traffic, faster than Apache or Nginx.

We can use a CDN if we feel that the site would benefit from it. If you have a global audience for example then it makes sense to use a CDN to deliver content more quickly to remote locations. We also recommend a CDN to deliver content such as Video if you don’t want to use YouTube.



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